Sunday, February 23, 2020

Cultures Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cultures - Research Paper Example This borrows from the fact that formalization mostly applies to utilitarian organizations, whereby organizations come up with hierarchies that have supervisors with greater authority who have to coordinate the activities of subordinates. Formalization also helps in the understanding of the organizational culture as it leads to the prescription of procedures, as well as rules, which specify the duties of each employee. Moreover, formalization serves to ensure that the low ranking employees comply with the set rules and guidelines in the organization. At times, formalization can go far to the extent that the organization sanctions the employees who do not follow the set rules. In some instances, employees who do not follow the formal structure of the organization may be summoned and asked to follow the set procedures and rules (Young, 2007). There are various organizational cultures, which organizations employ when prescribing the rules that should be followed. One of the organizational cultures includes the normative culture. In this culture, there is a consideration of the procedures and norms of the organization. Moreover, the regulations and rules of the organization are set in accordance to the guidelines that exist. The behavior of employees has to be ideal, and they have to follow strictly the policies that the organization has set. The other form of organizational culture includes the academy culture. Organizations using this form of culture tend to hire skilled persons, and duties are delegated in relation to the job experience and the education qualifications of the employees. Organizations that follow this form of culture ensure that they train their employees so as to improve employees’ job performance and achieve the organizations objectives. Another form of organizational culture includes the pragma tic culture where the organization emphasizes a lot on the external stakeholders, as well as the

Friday, February 7, 2020

History of the US in the First Half of the Twentieth Century Assignment

History of the US in the First Half of the Twentieth Century - Assignment Example The rising relevance of foreign trade in the national economy and the desire to compete with the imperialist designs of Europe also added to this thrust. Many important national think tanks and opinion makers clamored for extending the influence of the US. In that context, Captain Alfred Thayer Mahan pressed for the modernization of the American navy and the acquisition of strategic foreign locations to assure US domination. In a theological context, Josiah Strong evinced the superiority of Anglo-Saxon civilization and stressed on the need to spread religion and democratic values by the US in weaker nations in 1885. Under such pressures, America no more afforded to be neutral. In 1898, the Cuban Revolution instigated America to engage in war with Spain, leading to the eventual Spanish deference to the American demands. The Teller Amendment of 1898 proclaimed to the world that America intended to dilute the Spanish influence in the region by overthrowing the Spanish rule in Cuba. The Spanish-American war culminated in the Treaty of Paris in 1898 that led to the gain of some territories by the US and the freedom of Cuba. The support for the US expansion in Asia and Latin America was on the rise. President William McKinley found it really difficult to resist the augmenting pressure originating from military strategists, commercial pressure groups and religious zealots in the favor of annexing the Philippines. In response to the expansionist intentions of the US, the Anti-Imperialist League was constituted in 1898, which supported the freedom of the Philippines.Â